I gave birth to a healthy baby boy, Bo Yang, on 4th August 2011. The entire process was an emotional roller coaster as I was experiencing mood swings from time to time as I had to learn to deal with not only the physical changes to my body but also the emotional changes as well.
However, at the moment that I took the first look at my baby, it was certainly priceless. From then on, while I cope with the challenges of motherhood, I am without a doubt grateful for this gift which I cherish so dearly. As I take in the sight of this wonderful boy, I am grateful that he is healthy and as I begin to think about his development plan as he grows up, it dawned on me that every individual started out the same lovable and innocent way right out from the warm and fuzzy womb of their mother.
However, the environment in which the individual grows up in and the influencers in his life help to shape his life. There are a fraction of individuals in our society who are not given enough chances to shine and they may also be deprived of a conducive nurturing environment to develop their potential.
With this in mind and after taking a semester’s sabbatical to recover from the birth of my first born, I waste no time in returning to my Bachelor’s program.